Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016....

Happy New Year's Day!
I hope everyone had a wonderful evening and are finding the new year to be off to a good start.

Last night was quite uneventful in my home (as I like it)...
I spent the evening curled up on my couch with a cross stitch project and my Elementary DVDs playing in the background.  I made it to 10:30pm this year, before I called it a night. (I honestly can't remember the last time I made it to midnight on New Year's Eve/Day.)
All-in-all, it was good night! ;)

I managed some more progress on my cabin #2 project...

I think it is coming along quite nicely.

I also spent the evening preparing some "kits" for upcoming projects, since I signed up for the smalls SAL, Halloween Ornie SAL and Christmas Ornie SAL...

 (My "kits" consist of a plastic baggie, complete with floss and fabric.)

I am very excited to be participating in these SALs this year and hope to finish lots of patterns that I've wanted to stitch for some time.

I am also planning on continuing with the WIPocalypse challenge...
I still have to sit and decide on which projects I want to work on, but I am looking forward to getting more finishes this year. (Well, fingers crossed!)
Other than that, I haven't set any real "goals" for myself this year, in the way of stitching...
I would like to continue working on evenweave fabric (I am still learning) and I would like to try stitching with beads (I have yet to give this try)....
But, we'll see how the year goes!

Well, it is getting to be dinner time here and I must find some food for my son and I...
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

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