Saturday, April 9, 2022

February Stitch from Stash Check In

A couple months late, but I am here with my check in for February's stitch from stash...

Balance carried over to February: $49.62

Monthly Deposit: $25.00

Finishes (3): $24.00

Purchases: $8.10

February Balance: $90.52


1776 Crock by Melissa at 

Lucky (free pattern) from Rovaris 

Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by Ink Circles 

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Stitch from Stash 2022

Well hello there and long time no see...

I know my posting has been sporadic at best, but I'm hoping that by sharing my stitch from stash journey for 2022 will help me to blog more.

I did participate in Stitch from Stash last year, but I never actually posted in the Facebook group... I did follow along with the group and kept a record for myself, but remained silent.  I actually did very well, though and for the most, stayed within my budget.  Only went into the red a few times...

I ended up really enjoying the experience and decided to give it a whirl for another year.

So, since it the 1st of February, it's time to share my January stats...

I started the month with $60.47 carry over from 2021...

My monthly allowance is $25.00...

I spent $59.85...

I had 2 finishes for a total of $24.00

So, I ended January with a balance of $49.62...

Not to shabby!

My 2 finishes...

Winter Valentine 

By: The Blue Flower


By: The Snowflower Diaries