Happy Sunday everyone!
I know I am a day behind with my WIPocalypse update, but the date snuck up on me...
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot to share, since I've been posting so much lately and I spent Friday "bobbinating" (thanks Mii for the term :) )...
So, I haven't done a lot of stitching.
...decided to work on the cute little Kiwi bird...
Say "Hello" to George the Kiwi...
The entire time I'm stitching on this piece, I have this dialog running through my head...
"My puny kiwi wings weren't big enough for Delores. Oh no, oh no... she had to have AN ALBATROSS. With great big huge LONG WINGS."
10 points to anyone that knows what movie that comes from...
He has been a lot of fun to work on and I can't wait to finish him!
So, that is it for stitching...
I do have a funny story to share...
A couple weeks ago, during one of our weekly grocery shopping trips, I picked up 4 skeins of DMC 310 floss (one can never have enough black floss)...
We checked out and I distinctly remembered watching the clerk place my floss in a bag, but when we got home, I couldn't find it. I didn't think much of it, figured it got left in a bag that I put in our pantry closet (I save all the plastic bags) or it was in one of my hubby's grocery bags (he drives a semi-truck, so he has separate groceries that he takes on the road)...
Honestly, I completely forgot about it...
The next day I remembered, because I had been sorting my floss for and upcoming project...
So, I called my hubby and asked him to check his bags. He did and said he couldn't find it.
I checked the pantry bags and still no floss.
I figured a bag must have had a hole in it and my floss fell out...
Well, guess what my hubby brought home to me this weekend...
my MISSING floss!
It had been in one of his groceries bag the whole time.
This floss has been on quite the journey, out to North Carolina and Texas...
Anyway, it just struck me as funny.
Well, I hope everyone has a great upcoming week, filled with lots of stitching!