Friday, January 29, 2016

January Smalls SAL...

So I am starting out the year a day behind on everything...
...not too bad, only a day.  Hopefully that doesn't grow more as the year goes on.

This is my first year participating in the smalls SAL, run by Stitching Lotus and I am really excited about it.  I love small projects and have a huge list of them that I would like to complete.

I decided to work on a snowman, since I collect them...
...unfortunately, I didn't finish him.
-where I left off-

-where I am now-
Still quite a ways to go...
(Lesson learned, pick a "smaller" piece!)

I haven't been able to stitch much the last couple days, due to work and a sick kiddo, but I do have some progress to share...
...I had been working a lot on my Star Wars piece and I absolutely love how it is turning out.
-where I left off-

-where I am now-
(the bottom row)
The bottom row is all done!

(The only part I'm not sure about is the middle portion on the Zuckuss character...
...I used a metallic gold thread, but it is kinda thin looking.  I may end up changing that.)

And, the top portion of the piece...

(I almost quit the piece, because of Jar Jar...
...nothing I stitched on him seemed to come out right.  I don't think I've ever frogged so bad on one character before and I hope to not experience that ever again.)

Last picture...
I love the little mint green character (sorry, can't remember the name), because I finally get to stitch some different colors.

Overall, I am very pleased with the piece and my progress.

I do have a favor to ask everyone... many know, I hate french knots.
Now I have to a lot of them in the Star Wars piece and I would really appreciate any tips or tutorials that might help to get me through them.
(I know I could add beads, but I've never used beads before and am nervous to try it on this piece, since it is meant as a gift.)
I have done french knots before, but it has been awhile and I was never really good at them. (I honestly got lucky.)
Also, I know people posted tips and tutorials last year for me (and I will definitely be checking them out), but, since I have some new readers, I thought I would ask again. (I can use all the help I can get.)

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

WIPocalypse Update #1...

Good evening!
I know I am a couple days behind, but work has been kicking my butt. 
I thought I would have more time today to work on my blogging and stitching, but my son has come down with the stomach flu..., I've been very busy taking care of him.

Anyway enough excuses on to my update...
This is my 2nd year partaking in the WIPcalypse SAL and I really enjoyed it last year. (Even though I really sucked at staying up to date towards summer.)

The Question for the Month:
Introduce yourself, your projects and any goals you have for the year.
My name is Carrie and I am a wife, mother, Etsy shop owner and avid cross stitcher.  
Thanks to my mother, I learned to cross stitch when I was around 10 and have enjoyed the hobby off and on for the last 20 some years.
I like all sorts of different cross stitch patterns and don't really have any favorite designers.  
I prefer to work on projects that contain all whole stitches and back stitches, that can be worked on Aida. (I hate french knots and try to avoid them like the plague.)

As for my projects, I only have one WIP that I really want to concentrate on... Star Wars alphabet project.
(No new pictures...I hope to get some taken tomorrow.)

I have lots of other projects that I would like to finish, but I am determined to finish the alphabet by March.
Once I finish it, I can concentrate on other WIPs that need my attention.

As for goals...
I would like to continue learning to stitch on linen/evenweave and I want to start stitching with beads.

Well, it is getting late here and it is going to be another long day tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a wonderful "hump" day!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mid-week update...

Good evening, I hope everyone is having a good week!
It has been a very busy week here and I've been trying hard to keep stitching... far, I've done a pretty good job and I am hoping to keep it going.

So, on to the pictures...
I took a small break (last weekend) from the Star Wars piece and snowman project....
(I needed a break from all that green.)
...and worked a bit on a new project.
I bought this book recently and really wanted to try it out.
It is called "Cat Chat Magnets" and its by Maryanne Moreck.
The pieces are actually plastic canvas patterns, but I decided to try and adapt them to cross stitch.

This is the first design I picked, called "Get 'Em Tiger" and it has been an interesting piece to work on.
(I honestly thought this would stitch up very quickly, but I had numerous counting errors, that required me to restart.  My own fault and not the pattern, but still not as easy as I had originally thought.)
I decided to try this project on perforated paper, since I don't use it often. (I think I may switch to plastic canvas for the rest.)

Next, I worked on the "Attack Cat' piece that I started at the end of 2015...
-where I left off-

-where I am now-
You can see the kitty!

Well, after my little weekend detour, I went back to work on my snowman project (for the smalls SAL)...
-where I left off-

-where I am now-
Mr. Snowman is coming along pretty well.
(Not sure if I'll have him done by the check-in date, but I am going to try my best.)

Lastly, I worked more on the Star Wars alphabet...
-where I left off-

-where I am now-
Almost done with the last row...

I am really hoping to have all the stitching done by the end of March, so I'll have time to get it framed/finished.

So, that is what I've been up to...
...hope everyone is staying warm (its been freezing here in Michigan) and getting lots of stitching done.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Gifted Gorgeousness and TUSAL...

Updated 2/15/2016:
I apologize, I accidentally linked this post to my new Gifted Gorgeousness update.
My February GG update can be found here: Gifted Gorgeousness - February
Again, I apologize for the confusion.

Good Evening everyone!
I hope everybody is a having a wonderful Friday night.

(A quick warning, my pictures are not the best today, since I didn't get a chance to take any until after dark.  So, no natural light, just yellow, overhead lighting and bad shadows.)

I have decided to take part in the Totally Useless Stitch Along, since I really enjoyed collecting all my ORTs and watching the stash grow last year.
I decided to use the same container as last year...

And, a close up of the ORTs...
...lots and lots of green!

I also signed up for the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL, because again, I had fun participating in it last year and I wanted to continue.

I actually haven't worked on a lot of projects, just a couple that I've been rotating...
But, my Star Wars alphabet piece is going to be a gift, so this is a good time to share my progress...
-where I left off-

-and where I am now-

...close up...

And, a shot of how the entire piece is coming along...
I think the piece is coming along quite nicely!

And I have some progress to share on my Smalls SAL piece...
-where I left off-

-and where I am now-
Now you see why there were so many green ORTs this month.

Anyway, I am quite happy with my progress, since work has been super busy; but, I keep finding some time to stitch.
Well, I am off to find a project to work on tonight...
...not sure if I want to start something new or keep plugging away on my current rotation. (decisions, decisions)

I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Another Finish...

I can't believe it, but I have another finish to share...

My musical snowman (for the Christmas ornie SAL) is done and I think he is adorable!

Design is from the Cross Stitch Favourites magazine and is one of the "Musical Snowmen"
stitched on 14 ct. white Aida fabric
Stitch Time: 7 hrs. 45 minutes

All of the snowmen designs are adorable, but I had pick the one playing the horn, since my son just started playing the trombone in school. (This was the only one playing anything resembling a trombone.)
Not quite sure how I'll finish-finish him, but I am hoping to have him hanging on our tree next year. 

Just a small update for today, since I am a bit behind on work and need to spend the evening catching up...
...hope everyone has a wonderful evening.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Stitching Update...

Good afternoon everyone; I hope you all are having a good day!

I have some stitching progress to share...
I've continued working on my Christmas ornament and my Smalls SAL piece....
...and I've even decided on one piece that I will continue to work for the WIPocalypse.

Anyway, on to the pictures...
Up first, my Christmas ornament (the theme is music)...
-where I left off-

-and where I am now-
Current Stitching Time: 6 hours
I can't wait to finish him!

Next, the piece I picked for the Smalls SAL...
(just happens to be another snowman)
-where I left off-

-and where I am now-
Current Stitching Time: 5 hours 45 minutes
Not as much progress as I would have liked, but last night was a really long evening...
...lots of stuff going on and I didn't get as much time to stitch.

And lastly, one of my WIPocalypse pieces...
...The Star Wars alphabet...
(Pattern is from Clouds Factory)

-where I left off-

-and where I am now-

Making some progress...
I am hoping to have the piece finished in time to give to my son's teacher at the end of the school year.
(My fingers are crossed that I'll get it done.) 

Well, that is all from my neck of the woods.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, filled with lots of stitching!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January Stitching...

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I hope everybody is a having a wonderful start to the new week and new year.

I have actually been busy stitching, as much as I can and I have been making some good progress.

I joined 3 new SALs this year and decided to get started on those projects right away. (Plus, I'm not sure which pieces I want to work on for the WIPocalypse yet, so I had to find something to keep my hands busy in the cold weather.)

Firstly, I signed up the Smalls SAL and decided to work on "Seasonal Smiles" by Rhona Norrie. (These are featured in Cross Stitch Favourites magazine, Christmas 2011 edition.)

Stitched on 14 ct. white Aida fabric.
Current Stitching Time: 3 hours

Second, is the Christmas ornament SAL...
The theme for January was Music, so I decided to stitch one of the "Musical Snowman" from the Cross Stitch Favourites magazine. (I'll be honest, most of the ornaments for the Christmas SAL will come from that magazine.)

Stitched on 14 ct. white Aida fabric.
Current Stitching Time: 3.5 hours

And lastly, I decided to partake in the Halloween Ornament SAL...
...and I actually finished my ornament!

the theme for January was "Winged Creatures"

One of the Spooktacular Designs, found in The World of Cross Stitching magazine (October 2015 issue).
Designer: Durene Jones
stitched on 14 ct. white Aida fabric
Stitch Time: 7 hrs. 45 minutes

I did have to make one change, the moon was supposed to be stitched using glow-in-the-dark floss.  I didn't have any of that, so I used variegated yellow floss.
I think it still turned out cute, though!  

Well, I hope this early finish to the year means I'll have lots of finishes for 2016... fingers are crossed!

It is time for lunch, so I will bid everyone goodbye for today.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Is anyone else excited...

(Okay, I am going to let my inner "fan-girl" out for a moment...)

Is anyone else excited for the premiere of the new Sherlock episode?

Sherlock: The Abominable Bride is set to air tonight, on Masterpiece Theater at 8pm (CST) and I am truly delighted! (I've had my DVR set all week, so I wouldn't miss a minute of it.)
I have really loved this version of the Sherlock story and am very excited to see how they handle a case in Victorian times...
it ought to be very interesting.

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled programming....
...I will end my "fan-girl" squealing now and carry on stitching.